Julie Scheer is Brand Project Manager Social Media at Fronteer in Amsterdam. Fronteer is a full service creative agency, specialized in collaborative innovation and impact strategy. They have been using PostSpeaker since 2018.
“Our goal is to increase the visibility of Fronteer. It is important to convey a consistent message.”
“We don’t have an internal brand team, we do it next door and then you notice that sharing content quickly falls short. And that’s a shame, since you can tap into everyone’s network. PostSpeaker is the only tool that allows you to publish posts automatically. That saves time and frustration.”
“We now have 21 promoters. That’s everyone except the intern and someone who likes to do it themselves. Ultimately, everyone should know for themselves, because it concerns their personal accounts. But we do encourage it and also indicate that they can always adjust messages.”
“The people here think it’s super nice, they don’t have to worry about it. What used to be a ’to-do’ that sticks, for example because you are not at the office for a while or with a customer, now comes naturally.”
“Actually it’s a mix. We have messages about customer cases, updates and sometimes a personal story from an employee or about a paper or article. And if we have a new service or if something is going on, we pay attention to that too. For example, we were nominated for FD Gazelle. That’s nice to share. Ideally, we have theme per quarter. For example, co-creation or thought leadership.”
“We try to share two posts a week, but it also depends on who is writing. In principle, that could be anyone. We do have a team for content and copy, those are the drivers and they do the final check.”
“Yes, but not as the main recruiting tool. More to share a message along the lines of ‘check our vacancies’. We ask colleagues to do the same via, for example, Whatsapp. We mainly use LinkedIn to share newsworthy posts.”
“Sometimes a message is edited, but a message is never actually rejected.”
“We are not yet monitoring the results very closely. But if you share a lot, consistently, you attract more people to your LinkedIn company page and expand your network.”